The trouble is you think you have time.



A very cliche phrase, life is too short. But here are somethings that I have picked up over the years…

1. Be honest with people. At least you are being true, anything from to, Wow! You look really nice today, to I think that we should go out sometime. At least you put yourself out there. If you never try, you’ll never know what might happen.

2. Life is too short for things like, “conflict of interest” and being “politically correct”. Why does this have to be a thing? If people want to be together, let them be, I’m not saying go ahead and sleep with your married Boss, but if you are interested, just keep things professional people. Have your work life, your home life. They don’t have to all be a part of one another. If you can’t handle dating someone you work with fine, that’s your choice. But, don’t hold everyone else to that.

3. Don’t hold back. Wouldn’t you rather take the risk than never know what could happen. Trust your feelings and make the move.

4. Make yourself uncomfortable. This is how you find out who you are. When you’re working out, when you tell someone something you’ve been holding back for years. Be raw with people.

5. Take a trip. See somewhere new, a new state, a new country. Meet new people, you can learn the most from them and what they have been through.

6. Spend some money. One of my customers once told me, There are always going to be bills, There is never going to be enough money, so enjoy things. I am in no way saying max out ten credit cards and get reckless. I’m just saying enjoy things, go to that concert you want to go to, travel to the islands, get something nice for yourself you deserve it.

7. Don’t let other people dictate your self worth. People can so easily steal your happiness. So they didn’t text you back, they didn’t show up when it meant the world for them to be there for you. Yes, I completely understand things hurt, and you should take time to let it out, but don’t dwell on it. Keep your head up, there are better things to come.

8. Leave behind the baggage. Don’t hold on to the trash that you’ve dug through. Make it through it and leave it behind. It made you who you are, it may not have felt good, but you’ve come so far.

9. Realize we are all in this together. We are all working towards something. Does everyone have the best motives? NO. But, there are times where we haven’t been at our best either. Encourage people.

10. Breathe. Take time for yourself, if you are stressed find something to channel your stress. Go on a run, call a friend, make some cookies, do something that makes you feel in charged, and empowered. Take charge of the things you can control and let the rest fall in to place.

Happy Monday!